Weed Sizes

Understanding the various weed sizes or amounts that are available for purchase is vital to ensure weed enthusiasts get the most bang for their buck. Not only is it important to understand the various weed sizes in regards to spending money efficiently but that pairs directly with taking into consideration individual tolerance levels and smoking

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The Alien Rift Strain

Alien Rift is no secret among stoners. Its popularity reaches new heights comparable to outer space. With its complex origins, refined breeding, and intense high it is one you will want to get some serious notes on. Below is a closer look at the Alien Rift strain, its background, visuals, flavours, and growth details. Β What

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Mango and Weed

There is a fair share of cannabis myths going around that could nudge your noggin. Some common hearsay might sound like: β€œcannabis can make you more aggressive” or β€œcannabis cures cancer completely”. More popular and noteworthy is the topic of improving the overall weed experience. Everyone is always looking for ways to boost their high.

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Landrace Strain

You might have already heard the term β€œlandrace strain”, and if you are interested in the history of cannabis, after reading this article, you’ll have a general idea about how marijuana has evolved throughout the millennia. The archaeological evidence Although you might think that weed became more widely used only in recent decades, in reality,

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Lemon Tree Strain

There’s something about summertime that makes citrus a little more appealing. No matter what time of year it is, lemon makes most people think of sunshine and long afternoons. If you want a cannabis strain that gives you those same good feelings, Lemon Tree might be the strain you’re looking for. It’s a flavorful, fierce

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Sweet Tooth Strain

The beauty of the cannabis industry is the constant desire to innovate and find bigger and betterΒ cannabis strains. Marijuana offers a wide range of effects, smells, and experiences, so there’s a cannabis strain out there for everyone. If you are someone with a sweet tooth and enjoy a calming, yet elevating cerebral high, then the

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Alien Bubba Strain

Indica strain lovers might want to check out this flavorful strain for its mellow sedative effects and calming puffs. The Alien Bubba strain is one for the books by stoners searching for a nighttime ride on a galactic ship, drifting them into a full-on snore-fest. Below is all the info you need about this potent

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