Shatter is a cannabis extract prepared via a mix of cannabis plant material and solvents, also known as a cannabutter. Shatter weed has a translucent appearance and can range from golden honey hue to corn oil yellow in color. All shatters may have the same look and feel, but their
Cannabis plants go through a number of phases as they develop and mature, and each stage demands a specific quantity of light, nutrients, and water. Understanding these stages and how long each lasts is crucial to understand what your plant needs and when it requires it. Knowing where your cannabis
A hangover is usually associated with alcohol, yet marijuana has the potential to produce similar side effects the next day. The symptoms are the key distinction between an alcohol hangover and a marijuana hangover. While nausea, dehydration, and sleeplessness are typical among people who have experienced alcohol hangovers, cannabis-induced hangovers
Bongs are an essential component of the cannabis smoking experience. A bong is smoking equipment, a bowl for dry marijuana, and a chamber filled with bong water. It’s sometimes referred to as a water pipe or bubbler. Bubbles of smoke rise through the water, which cools and clarifies it. The
When cannabis is smoked, its various plant chemicals interact with our bodies. This contact is the sole reason people have turned to marijuana for many reasons. The body’s reaction to this compound explains why cannabinoids and their byproducts stay in the body for extended periods of time after use. To
Red, bloodshot eyes are one of the most prevalent consequences of marijuana use (and telltale indicators you’ve recently used). It’s to be expected, sure, but it doesn’t explain why smoking marijuana makes your eyes red. The onset of bloodshot eyes might cause a panic-induced search for “can smoking weed harm
If you’re new to cannabis farming, harvesting time is probably when you want to sample your efforts. In this tutorial for novices on harvesting cannabis, you’ll discover when the best time to harvest marijuana is as well as some of the most important indicators that indicate when cannabis plants are
The term “weed shake” refers to the loose bits of plant matter that sometimes end up at the bottom of a bag of cannabis. Naturally, gorgeous buds don’t stay flawless for long, and eventually, pieces fall off and debris accumulates at the bottom of the container. We don’t know anything
Dr. Adie Rae, neuroscientist and scientific adviser to 420 Vendor List, made the distinction between infrequent cannabis use and regular cannabis use, which may have very different effects on the brain. The available research supports the notion that occasional cannabis use may have neuroprotective effects on the brain, whereas the
Donating blood has never been more important than it is right now, in the undreamed-of time of Covid-19. People may be less inclined to give blood due to social distancing or concerns about acquiring the virus, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), but blood donations are still essential in