Cannabis Tinctures 101: Understanding, Making and Using Them

Cannabis Tinctures 101

Cannabis tinctures are a popular and convenient way to consume cannabis. They are made by steeping cannabis in alcohol to extract active compounds, such as THC and CBD. Tinctures are easy to make at home and offer a discreet and accurate way to consume cannabis. They can be used to treat a wide range of medical conditions and provide many benefits over other methods of consumption, such as smoking or edibles. This article will provide a comprehensive guide to cannabis tinctures, including what they are, how to make them, and how to use them.

Understanding Cannabis Tinctures:

Cannabis Tinctures 101

Cannabis tinctures are a type of cannabis extract that is made by steeping cannabis in alcohol to extract the active compounds. The alcohol helps to dissolve the compounds and make them more bioavailable. Tinctures can be made with a variety of different types of cannabis, including high-THC strains and high-CBD strains. The strength of the tincture depends on the amount of cannabis used and the strength of the alcohol.

Making Cannabis Tinctures at Home:

Making cannabis tinctures at home is relatively easy and requires only a few basic ingredients. The most important ingredient is cannabis, which should be decarboxylated before making the tincture. This process activates the THC and CBD in cannabis. You will also need a high-proof alcohol, such as grain alcohol or Everclear. Other equipment needed includes a mason jar, cheesecloth, and a strainer. To make the tincture, simply combine the cannabis and alcohol in a jar, seal it and let it steep for 2-4 weeks, shaking occasionally. After the steeping period, strain the liquid through cheesecloth and store in a dark glass dropper bottle.

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How to Use Cannabis Tinctures:

Cannabis tinctures are easy to use and offer a discreet and accurate way to consume cannabis. They can be taken sublingually (under the tongue) or added to food and drinks. The dosage of tinctures can be easily adjusted by the number of drops taken. Start with a low dose and wait for at least an hour before taking more to gauge how your body reacts. Tinctures can be stored in a cool, dark place for up to a year.


Cannabis tinctures are a convenient and effective way to consume cannabis. They are easy to make at home and offer many benefits over other methods of consumption. They are discreet, easy to use, and offer accurate dosing. With the right knowledge and equipment, anyone can make their own cannabis tinctures at home. Remember, Always start with a low dose.

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Author Since:  July 2, 2022

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