Everything To Know About The ACDC Strain [Is it worth a try?]

ACDC Strain

ACDC is very different from your average marijuana strain. If you need a high-quality strain with minimal psychoactive effects, this is the one to try.

ACDC is a CBD-dominant strain mainly derived from Cannatonic. It’s a trusted choice for medical marijuana patients for this reason.

What makes ACDC so special? Should you try it for yourself? This article is your guide to everything related to the ACDC strain and why people can’t stop raving about it.

What Is the ACDC Strain?

The ACDC strain is CBD-dominant, meaning it doesn’t contain much THC. THC is what causes the typical marijuana high.

The ACDC strain is made from a phenotype of Cannatonic and is an even balance of 50% Indica and 50% Sativa. In some instances, ACDC can lean more towards Sativa as well.

The THC levels in ACDC sit between 1-6%, and CBD levels max out at 20%. While this might not sound like a lot, the average CBD level in marijuana is about 0.05%, much less than ACDC levels.

Because of the higher ratio of CBD to THC, this strain has little to no psychoactive effects.

The ACDC Strain: Flavors, Aroma, and Appearance

You can pick out ACDC flowers from other strains with their thin, feathery leaves, green color, and little orange hairs. Users note that ACDC smells:

  • Earthy
  • Sweet
  • Skunky

This strain also has spicy and woodsy undertones after smoking. Depending on the batch, you can pick out blueberry, cherry, honey, or lemongrass notes in the flavor.

For people that use ACDC for medicinal purposes, they report feeling an alleviation of pain and anxiety.

For those experiencing the side effects of chemotherapy, epilepsy, and chronic pain, this strain is a boon and a much-needed relief. The same can be said for marijuana users with anxiety since the uplifting feelings ACDC brings can help reduce unwanted symptoms.

Neurodivergent people may also experience a better time working on projects and maintaining focus.

ACDC has paved the way for several other CBD-rich hybrids, and it’s not hard to see why. The strain is flavorful, rich, and full of benefits for medicinal and recreational purposes.


Effects and Benefits of the ACDC Strain

As previously mentioned, ACDC is full of CBD and gives users the side effects of using marijuana without the intense high.

You can expect to feel relaxed, uplifted, and euphoric when smoking this marijuana strain. You may also feel like you can focus better and be more sociable while under the influence. But take care that you use ACDC responsibly since you may experience paranoia or headaches if your tolerance is low.

For prescribed and recreational users, ACDC is most often used to alleviate symptoms of:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Physical pain

Medical patients, especially those with epilepsy, can benefit the most from using ACDC. It may alleviate discomfort caused by chemotherapy, seizures, and chronic pain.

ACDC is available in several delivery methods, including smoking, baked goods, teas, tinctures, and lotions. If you want to avoid some of the more severe side effects of using CBD-rich strains like ACDC, you might want to try baking edibles or using an ACDC-infused tea.


Growing and Selling the ACDC Strain

ACDC is a picky strain and difficult to grow, but it isn’t impossible. You can grow it indoors or outdoors with little or no training. But experienced growers will reap the best harvests.

If you decide to grow the strain outdoors, you will have to plan to ensure your crop finishes flowering before temperatures drop, depending on where you live.

ACDC takes about 10 weeks to flower, with an average yield if you treat it properly. This strain likes a stable, consistent climate between 68 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit (20-27 degrees Celsius).

You can use high-stress training (HST) for these crops to keep the canopy level, and pruning will keep most of the plant’s energy to the topmost buds.

Before you decide to sell ACDC, you’ll have to do some research on your local market and marijuana laws. Marijuana dispensaries will update their stock list daily along with what sells out fast. So while you may produce terrific ACDC flowers, you might have to take the extra step and learn how to make edibles, tinctures, or oils from it.

But since there’s a decent market for it that won’t be going anywhere, you can turn a decent profit for all of your efforts.

Also, if you want to get your hands on some high-quality ACDC strain seeds, here is a great place to try.

What Users Have To Say About ACDC

Across the board, people who use ACDC have nothing but good things to say about it. From its clean feel to the many benefits, you can find plenty of satisfied ACDC consumers.

As mentioned earlier, people with chronic pain, severe anxiety, and other health issues love the ACDC strain. Users claim that it helps them manage physical and mental symptoms. Even if you have a mild medical condition, this strain is one to try.

Since it’s a popular strain, you can find ACDC online or in-store easily. Check with your local dispensaries and see whether they offer this particular strain in other forms aside from flowers.

If you have the opportunity to walk into a store, make sure to ask the person at the counter about ACDC and whether they have it in stock. When in doubt, you can always ask for a strain derived from or with similar effects to ACDC.


Wrapping Up: The ACDC Strain

The long and short of the matter is this: ACDC is a solid choice for medicinal and recreational cannabis users. Don’t use it expecting to get a monumental high. Instead, go in with an open mind and the expectation that you will feel relaxed, happy, and uplifted.

The ACDC strain is perfect for managing symptoms and is loved for its earthy, fruity flavors.

Related Questions

Do you have some questions before you try the ACDC strain for yourself? Here are a few common questions about similar marijuana strains.

Do hybrid strains make you lose weight?

No marijuana strain is the end-all for weight loss. Some strains are less prone to give you the munchies, which can be beneficial if you want to lose weight. In ACDC’s case, since it has higher CBD levels, it is more likely to give you the munchies if you don’t plan accordingly.

420VL Team

Author Since:  July 2, 2022

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