How To Check Good And Bad Weed?


Weed identification can be difficult for even the most seasoned cannabis enthusiasts, but there are several factors that distinguish high-quality weed from poor weed. Smell, appearance, feel, and flower structure are among the most important characteristics that separate the good stuff from low-quality stuff. We’ll go through all four in this post and provide recommendations on how to tell the difference between good weed and bad weed.

Characteristics of good weed


The odor of cannabis cultivated and cured to the highest standards is typically pungent and pleasant. Flowers with a strong fragrance are often referred to as having a “dank” or “loud” smell, implying the flower’s overall quality. The words skunk, diesel, and pine are used to describe the distinct odors high-quality cannabis produces. The shared characteristic is that a pleasant-smelling flower is unique, pungent, and unmistakable. The more subtle the scent, the more complex and nuanced the experience will be.


A high-end flower, such as fresh, healthy produce, might provide a few visual clues to help you assess its quality. While all excellent cannabis should be visually appealing, a top-shelf strain can easily display a vibrant rainbow of hues. Flowers that are high in quality will generally be deep green with bright orange or red hairs. They can also range from deep purple to brilliant blue in hue.

The quantity and viability of trichomes are two more important visual identifiers of excellent marijuana. Trichomes are the tiny, sparkling crystal-like appendages on the plant’s surface that give it its scent, flavor, and effects. The more frosty trichomes that may be seen with the naked eye, the better indication of the flower’s intoxicating and therapeutic power. If you have poor eyesight or want to get up close, utilize a magnifying glass to examine a nug’s trichomes in greater detail.


When you press or squeeze a high-quality flower between your fingers, it should be sticky and spongy. The bud should snap easily when lightly tapped on, but it shouldn’t be completely dry or crumbly when touched. If you’re looking for an alternative to fresh or dried cannabis, consider buds that are neither too moist nor hard. Because these have a greater possibility of growing or containing mold or mildew.

Flower structure

Pure indica and sativa-leaning flowers are generally light and fluffy in form and composition, while indicas are often tighter and denser. Although the structure and experience you get may or may not be related. Flowers that are cold or rock-hard indicate that the plants have been drenched with pesticides, which can give them a harsh flavor. Extremely fluffy blooms might be an indication that the plant was not cultivated to its full potential due to insufficient light exposure.


Growing mushrooms in a sustainable manner is called ecological farming. It involves using organic matter and living soil, as well as sustainable agriculture. “Look for Clean Green Certified, Sun+Earth, or other organic goods and manufacturers who employ regenerative agricultural techniques. Sungrown cannabis is frequently found to meet all of these criteria,” specialist added.

Diverse cannabinoids

In CBD products, a broad cannabinoid and terpene profile is preferred. Before making a purchase, ask to see the Certificate of Analysis, advised by a specialist. The certificate, which comes with a money-back guarantee, provides details on the product’s various cannabinoids, therapeutic terpenes, and any hazardous contaminants such as pesticides or heavy metals.

Also Read What Is The Right Time To Harvest Cannabis?

Characteristics of bad weed


Low-quality flowers might have a variety of unusual scents, which usually implies a batch of terrible weed. These low-end buds are sometimes known as “schwag” or “bottom shelf.” They may smell musty or mildew. A musty or straw-like scent indicates outdated or damaged cannabis. Cannabis has a one-year shelf life when kept away from light and heat, according to most guidelines. Unpleasant odors are generally a symptom of cannabis mishandling, poorly dried cannabis, or old age.


The appearance of low-quality flowers is easily distinguishable. It can manifest as a discolored flower or a profusion of stems and seeds. There are several causes for flower to become discolored, ranging from mold and age to pesticides and chemicals. The bottom line is that you don’t want to buy it, much alone smoke it. The presence of amber-colored trichomes is a sure sign of poor marijuana. Trichomes fade from clear to an amber color as a result of light, heat, and time. This is an excellent indication that you’ve been swindled into last year’s harvest.

A sad sight, low-quality cannabis is seen in a variety of colors. When it comes to identifying a healthy plant that has gone bad, nature provides several visual signals.


When the flower is of lower quality, it will often be dry or brittle to the touch. A light and airy bud devoid of weight will be observed instead of a dense, sticky blossom. Additionally, poor cannabis will break down readily when handled or may even be crumbling. When the flower is loose and undone, it’s known as “shake.”

Excessively “wet” buds do not break when squeezed, and they tend to remain put. The greater amount of moisture makes for a perfect environment for mold and mildew growth. When wet nuggets break apart rather than tearing, it’s an indication that the cannabis was not properly dried and cured.

Flower structure

With a discerning eye, horrible flower structure is easy to spot. While a well-kept plant will frequently be visually lovely, a carelessly cultivated one may result in ugly blooms. A plant’s structure, on the other hand, may not reveal its chemical composition, yet it may still tell a tale. Due to incorrect lighting or growing circumstances, “fluffy” or “airy” nugs may occur, with high amounts of cannabinoids and terpenes despite their low density.

Final Thoughts

Finding a high-quality flower does not have to be difficult. Even inexperienced cannabis consumers will be able to tell the excellent buds from the undesirable with a discerning eye (and nose). But, at the end of the day, it’s all about what you enjoy while under the influence of cannabis. What you like may not be identical to what your local budtender, delivery guy, or friend enjoys. There are hundreds of cultivators growing thousands of strains. Finding the proper strain for you is the objective. It’s all about choosing the right product from a company or cultivator that you love, and which you can then enjoy over and over again.

So go out and explore for the four most important clues to figure out what you’re receiving — scent, appearance, feel, and flower structure. Then you’ll come across a high-quality weed variety that suits your particular preferences.

420VL Team

Author Since:  July 2, 2022

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