Cannabis Effects and their Types

How does cannabis get you high and what are the different effects of cannabis?


Admin 420 VL

Admin 420 VL

Cannabis gets you high by affecting your brain. The main active chemical in cannabis is THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol). THC attaches to cannabinoid receptors in the brain and alters a person’s mood, perception, thinking, and memory. It can also interfere with how information is processed in the hippocampus, which is a key part of the brain for memory formation.

THC also binds to cannabinoid receptors outside of the brain, including in the Immune system. This can lead to cannabis’ ability to reduce inflammation throughout the body, as well as its well-known pain relieving properties.

The effects of cannabis can vary depending on the individual, the type and potency of cannabis, how it is consumed, the person’s age and previous experience with cannabis, and the setting in which it is used.

Generally speaking, the effects of cannabis can be divided into three main categories:

  1. Physical effects: These are the changes that occur in your body after using cannabis. They can include things like an increased heart rate, reduced blood pressure, impaired coordination and balance, and red eyes.
  2. Cognitive effects: These are the changes that occur in your brain after using cannabis. They can include things like impaired memory, difficulty concentrating, and paranoia.
  3. Psychological effects: These are the changes that occur in your mood after using cannabis. They can include things like relaxation, euphoria, and anxiety.


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