How To Overcome A Weed Hangover?

How To Overcome A Weed Hangover

A hangover is usually associated with alcohol, yet marijuana has the potential to produce similar side effects the next day. The symptoms are the key distinction between an alcohol hangover and a marijuana hangover. While nausea, dehydration, and sleeplessness are typical among people who have experienced alcohol hangovers, cannabis-induced hangovers may manifest differently.

In this guide, you’ll discover all about the origins and symptoms of marijuana hangovers, as well as what experts have to say on the subject. You’ll also learn how to cure them and prevent them.

Weed hangover

When you consume more than your limit of marijuana, you get a weed hangover. Only you know what that means for your body since tolerance levels vary considerably from one person to the next. The type of strain you smoke and the THC content are other elements that can influence whether you get a hangover and how bad it will be. Cannabis with higher amounts of THC makes hangovers more likely, especially if you consume more than your tolerance level.

When you consume edibles, their THC is absorbed quickly into your system and may still be active the next morning. You are also more likely to get a hangover if you eat edibles because they take longer to digest and may remain functional the next day. A chocolate brownie or cannabis cookie, on the other hand, might result in more hangover symptoms than a joint. If you’re creating edibles, remember that your recipes should not exceed your limits. Marijuana smoking or vaping is less likely to result in a hangover, although it does happen.

Here are some common weed hangover symptoms:

  • Grogginess or fatigue
  • Dull, persistent headache
  • Lingering sensation of being high
  • Dry, itchy eyes
  • Brain fog and inability to focus
  • Cottonmouth
  • Sensitivity to bright lights and loud noises

Causes of Weed Hangovers

A marijuana hangover is caused by too much cannabis, particularly strains high in mood-altering THC. The most common offenders are strains that contain 20 percent or more THC. White Fire OG, Sour Diesel, Chemdog, and Amnesia Haze are a few of the many THC-rich strains available.

Other aspects of your lifestyle may also have an impact on how you feel the day after cannabis use. A poor diet and inactivity might make someone more vulnerable to feeling unwell after a night of excess. The more healthy your lifestyle, the more likely it is that your body chemistry will be in balance and able to resist ill effects.

Finally, how often you use cannabis may impact your risk of experiencing a hangover. Regular marijuana users may want to limit their usage and exercise caution. Someone who uses marijuana daily, for example, may want to reduce their usage to every other day or only on weekends in order to minimize hangovers and possibly eliminate them. Another experiment is to try changing the time of day you take cannabis. Experiment with taking cannabis early in the evening rather than late at night and see if there are any differences.

Also Read How Long Does Weed Affect Your Body? 

How to get over a weed hangover?

Even if you’re tempted to stay in bed all day, exercising your body is the best way to eliminate the undesirable after-effects of too much cannabis use. Diet, hydration, rest, and meditation are all important elements of the recovery process.

Here are five natural home cures to assist you in recovering from a weed hangover and feeling better.

  • Get out on a nice walk in the fresh air. As you go, breathe deeply, filling the brain and lungs with new oxygen and removing mental fog. To get the most benefits, walk for at least 20 minutes and up to an hour.
  • While concentrating on purifying, take long breaths, spread a yoga mat out, and perform a few easy stretches. Back bends that open the chest and allow the body to absorb more oxygen are particularly advantageous. Meditation and visualization for just five minutes at the end of your yoga practice can round out your session and leave you feeling energized.
  • A power breakfast can be anything you like—whether it’s a homemade omelet or a vegan bowl of steel-cut oats and fresh berries. Choose whatever you want, keep it minimally processed and feed your body with nutrient-dense meals.
  • A glass of water is a simple cure for a hangover, but adding caffeine might take it to the next level. Coffee or tea might assist your mind and body by providing a much-needed energy boost. If you’re suffering from headaches, try drinking lemon water with over-the-counter pain medicine for fast relief.
  • Simply stepping into a cold shower and relaxing your senses with soothing water is another option if you can’t bring yourself to eat or exercise. The pressure of the water has therapeutic benefits, massaging and relaxing tense muscles.
  • Take a break and rest up. Maintain your hangover at bay by practicing healthy habits and moderate exercise daily. Consider going to bed a bit earlier than usual once the sun has set, and avoid drinking or smoking marijuana until you’re in top form.
  • Apply a CBD topical. If you detect any lingering discomfort after your therapy, consider applying CBD oil to the temples or neck. Some people have found relief from topical CBD products.

Can I prevent a weed hangover?

The most effective approach to avoiding a marijuana hangover is to set your own limits and stick to them. Another technique that may help is smoking rather than eating edibles. Look for cannabis strains that are lower in THC as well. There are several strains designed particularly for novices and others who may be more sensitive to the effects of THC. Look for high-CBD strains, which have a greater CBD to THC ratio and are less likely to make you feel hungover.

If you’re using marijuana in addition to alcohol and cigarettes, try reducing or eliminating the use of the latter two items. If you’re still feeling sick after using cannabis, check with your doctor to see whether there’s a medical issue that’s causing it.

Most cannabis users experience hangovers after smoking, and while they can be unpleasant, mild headaches are the most typical type.

420VL Team

Author Since:  July 2, 2022

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