Why Does Weed Make Your Eyes Red?

Does weed make your eyes red

Red, bloodshot eyes are one of the most prevalent consequences of marijuana use (and telltale indicators you’ve recently used). It’s to be expected, sure, but it doesn’t explain why smoking marijuana makes your eyes red.

The onset of bloodshot eyes might cause a panic-induced search for “can smoking weed harm your eyes?” For neophytes, this may be accompanied by a Google search for “can cannabis damage your eyes?” Fortunately, as long-time users can confirm to new users, there are no serious health issues connected with your sudden red-eyed condition. You’re probably not suffering from an allergic reaction or any other more serious issue. Some may make fun of you for sporting your “weed eyes” in public, but for the most part, it’s a completely natural consequence of smoking cannabis. In reality, the color of your eyes changing isn’t caused by smoking.

Blood Pressure

Users generally have a higher heart rate and blood pressure after using a cannabis-based product (flower, concentrate, edible, etc.). The body’s endocannabinoid system, which regulates the activity of various physiological systems in the human body, helps to explain why cannabis has such a positive influence on one’s physical and mental health. The blood pressure and heart rate increases similarly to those seen during typical physical activities like as running.

The plunge in blood pressure can take up to 10 minutes for the heart rate to return to normal and for blood pressure levels to begin to drop. As blood pressure falls, the capillaries and smaller vessels in the eye dilate, particularly the ocular capillaries. The expansion of ocular capillaries leads to increased blood flow to the eyes, which causes them to turn red and lowers intraocular pressure.

According to Dr. Melanie Bone, a board-certified OB-GYN who practices in West Palm Beach, Florida, “It’s cannabis’ capacity to reduce intraocular pressure in the eyes that makes it a prospective therapy for glaucoma, an eye disease that affects the optic nerves and can lead to blindness. It also has something to do with why your eyes get red after smoking marijuana.” 

There’s also evidence that THC in cannabis may reduce IOP (i.e., intraocular pressure). A lot of glaucoma patients have attempted to use medical marijuana to cure and relieve symptoms of the disease because of this.. It’s crucial to note that some research have disputed or added a caveat to the claim that cannabis is beneficial for glaucoma. CBD, the non-intoxicating cannabinoid present in marijuana, may possibly exacerbate glaucoma by raising eye pressure, according to a 2018 study from Indiana University. More study is needed on the effectiveness of cannabis for glaucoma treatment.

Do edibles make your eyes red?

The redness of your eyes can also be caused by cannabis use, as it is with smoking it. Ingesting edibles may also induce reddening of the eyes, much like smoking cannabis. This is determined on the quantity of THC consumed. It’s not the smoke itself that makes your eyes red; it’s the fact that cannabis lowers blood pressure, causing arteries and capillaries to dilate.

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The redder the better?

The quantity of THC you consume has a direct impact on how much your blood pressure is reduced and the color of your eyes change. The most common cannabinoid in marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), causes intoxication when consumed through smoking. The more THC there is in a cannabis product, the stronger its effects and the more red your eyes become.

Red eyes can indicate a high cannabinoid content in your cannabis (i.e., it’s powerful). To put it another way, there’s a good chance you’ve acquired some highly potent marijuana if your eyes are visibly bloodshot after taking in cannabis.

You have nothing to worry about if your eyes are red other than the fact that you’ve recently used cannabis. If you have the necessary equipment, cannabis-induced red eyes will usually only last a few hours and can easily be treated.

It’s a good idea to keep eye drops (or some sunnies) on hand. Look for eye drop brands that are formulated to alleviate redness in the eyes. There are various strategies to help with cannabis-induced bloodshot eyes that don’t include pot, including staying hydrated, washing your face and eyelids with cold water, or simply consuming cannabis products with lower THC levels.

420VL Team

Author Since:  July 2, 2022

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