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Are Magic Mushrooms Legal in DC?

Magic Mushrooms

Everyone is always wondering are shrooms legal in DC and if so how do I get them? Well it’s common to find mushrooms and cannabis in the same smoke shop. But just like cannabis you can’t just buy them, they must be gifted. With their increasing popularity because of their psychological and physical benefits we thought we should break down the legal and beneficial aspects of magic mushrooms and where to get them safely.


How Did Magic Mushrooms Become Decriminalized In Washington, DC?

In November 2020, the Entheogenic Plants and Fungus Measure, also known as Initiative 81 (I-81), was approved to support non-commercial possession, cultivation, usage, and distribution of entheogenic plants and fungi.

Entheogenic plants and fungi contain ibogaine, dimethyltryptamine, mescaline, and psilocybin. In addition, the I-81 initiative placed entheogenic plants and fungus as the lowest priority for law enforcement and prosecution.

Although Decriminalize Nature curated the campaign, D.C. raised $802,473 in support of the ballot initiative.

It is important to note that I-81 did not legalize ethenogic plants. However, it does allow people to grow, use, and possess their own without government interference. And it does not support the purchase or sale of them, including magic mushrooms.

As a result, the shroom gifting community allowed mushrooms to be given as a gift to avoid the headache of being safely and legally licensed for purchase for people 21+ years old paired with legal identification.


Magic Mushrooms What Is A Magic Mushroom?

Although the magic mushrooms look like ordinary mushrooms, they are far from ordinary. Magic mushrooms contain psilocybin that the body transforms into psilocin to create therapeutic psychoactive experiences and grow wildly worldwide.

Other names for magic mushrooms include shrooms, mushies, sacred mushrooms, and boomers. Before turning the mushroom fruit into beautiful capped fungi, it infiltrates and decomposes wood chips with mycelium–white roots that appear like a spider web.

The magic mushroom classifies as a Schedule 1 substance or psychedelic drug that alters the users’ thinking, perception of space and time, and emotions. However, psilocybin does not classify as an addictive substance.

And depending on the method of consumption, environment, and company, magic mushrooms can create positive or negative life-changing experiences such as:

  • Euphoria
  • Spiritual awakening
  • Depersonalization, realization, and distortion into a dream-like state
  • Visual distortion into vivid colors and halo-colored lights
  • Drowsiness and dizziness
  • Lack of coordination
  • Nausea and Vomiting

In addition, the experience with psilocybin depends on the mental and physical health, personality, and environment at the time of consumption.


Magic Mushrooms How Do Magic Mushrooms Affect The Brain?

Magic mushrooms have been a medicinal use for thousands of years among indigenous people worldwide.

Notable mushroom discoveries from North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, and Central Africa have offered medicinal insight for their therapeutic use in recent years.

And under the magical conditions of cool rain, dewy nights, and a pinch of sunlight, magic mushrooms begin to grow in your backyard– alongside the research for therapeutic usage.

From what was commonly known as a party drug is now of increasing interest to researchers on their toes that seek to find a natural remedy to treat mental health disorders backed by science.

The psychoactive chemical psilocybin may rewire and rehab different regions for people living with depression and other psychiatric conditions that repeat unhealthy rigid thinking patterns.

They resulted in users who had changes in their brains and enlightened their symptoms of depression. However, people who have depression should not self-medicate with psilocybin. Instead, they should consult their physician to see if magic mushrooms are right for them.

In addition, other studies have demonstrated psilocybin to ease end-of-life anxiety in cancer patients, increase access to memories and emotions, and replace negative moods with positive moods. The long-term impact of psilocybin on the brain continues to be under investigation.


Magic MushroomsWhere To Buy Magic Mushrooms In DC Safely

Although I-81 paved the way for magic mushrooms straight out purchasing them in the DMV area (DC, Maryland, and Virginia) is not as straight forward as you would like.

Instead of out right buying magic mushrooms, shops in D.C. may want you to be a little more discreet. You can choose to go to one of the many smoke shops that carry them or if you want the convenience of home delivery try one of the delivery services below.

We’ve curated a list of shops below that will make it super easy and stress free to get shrooms. Instead of fumbling around not knowing what to say just call or text one of the businesses below and they will take care of you when making a donation.

It’s as easy as that! Also make sure you mention 420VL so you can get your free gift too


Magic Mushrooms Magic Mushrooms, Hello DC!

Don’t forget to ask for the gift menu instead of asking the budtender to view the mushrooms available for purchase. The gift menu will show you the mushrooms available for gifting and the merchandise you’ll need to purchase the mushrooms as a gift.

420VL Team

Author Since:  July 2, 2022

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