Best Methods To Make Homemade Cannabis Oil

a bowl and oil dropper and leafs lying on table

The method you’ll take to make your own cannabis oil at home will be determined by the strength of your bud or concentrates. You should also determine whether you want to utilize only your oil for cooking (e.g., baking weed cookies or making edibles with wax) or if it would be useful to have an option for use in chilly food preparations such as mixing it into a drink or creating a cold dessert.  There are a number of methods to produce cannabutter at home, and the availability of bud or concentrates will influence which one you take. You should also figure out if you’ll only be using your oil for hot cooking, such as baking cannabis cookies, or if you’ll have the option for cold-temperature usages, such as combining it into your favorite drink or creating a cold dessert.

If you want to make canna oil quickly and with little effort, the oil soaking method is ideal. When making your own oils, you decide precisely how potent you want your mixture to be. Often this requires adding a certain amount of bud per cup of oil. However, in more sophisticated methods targeting specific levels of THC and CBD is possible.

Oil Soaking Method

The oil soaking method is popular for those making canna oils because it is less complicated. You take an oil you would typically use, called a carrier oil, and let the bud steep in it until the cannabinoids are released into the oils. Most active cannabis components are hydrophobic, or unwilling to combine or connect with water, thus you must use some form of fat-based oil. If you tried to create oils using only water, they would eventually separate over time. In order to have a healthy and versatile dish, most people use either coconut oil or olive oil. However, not many know that the smoking point must also be considered when cooking with these oils. The smoking point is referring to the temperature at which the liquid will begin to evaporate. 

All you need to make canna oil:

  • A Canna Flower
  • Carrier Oil

Decarb if necessary to bring out your THC, then break your flower into manageable pieces. The best way is to weigh it out (most people use it between 7-10 grams). You’ll want to note down the measurements somewhere in case you end up adoring the final product so you can make it again. Pour the water, oil, and vinegar into a heavy-bottomed saucepan or double-boiler. Place the pan over medium heat and bring it to a boil, then reduce the temperature to low. Add the carrier oil to a crock pot or low-heat setting on a double boiler. Keep your temperatures between 120 and 180 degrees Fahrenheit. By routinely checking the oil temperature with a probe thermometer, you can make sure not to overheat the mixture.

Allow the oil to reach a temperature of 300°F. When it’s ready, add your cannabis and let it cook for 20 minutes to one hour. You may leave it in longer if you wish — increasing the amount of tannins and aromas released into your oil as the buds break down. Now line a strainer with unbleached cheesecloth and place it inside a glass bowl. Gently pour in your oils, allowing any buds or other contaminants to be collected as they filter through the cheesecloth. Leave to cool until you can safely handle the cheesecloth, and if desired, give it a light squeeze over your glass bowl to get any leftover oil.

It’s time to get rid of stuff, and you have a lot of alternatives. Large-mouthed jars, such as mason jars, have remained a popular choice because they are simple to use and add beauty to your countertop. If you’re feeling snooty, save an old oil bottle for a high-class touch to your homebrew. Wash and scrub the bottle carefully in hot soapy water removing any traces of the old label. Allow it to dry completely before rinsing it clean. To take things one step further, consider the option of printing your own custom labels for your canna oil bottles. You can either print them on computer paper and add a layer of tape to hold it to the bottle, or check out shipping labels – many home beer and winemakers use these cost-effective labels for their products.

This technique is similar to the recipe given above, but it has several improvements. This method allows you to regulate how much bud you add per cup of oil, not just the total amount of THC and CBD in your product. The majority of recipes call for between 7 and 10 grams of marijuana per cup of oil, but you know how dank your cannabis is. Make your oil according to taste, but if you’re going to use it in a dish, keep in mind how much oil you usually use. Adjust for strength when using tinctures, balms, and other oil-based goods

This method of extraction will also transfer some flavor, so your oil taste and bud taste will be combined. You’ll also get a blend of THC and CBD in your plant, which is typically present only in traces.

Uses For Cannabis Oil

The possibilities for usage with canna oils are almost limitless when considering that they may be blended in with existing oils or extracted from marijuana. Not only are cooking oils good for fry, baking, and sautéing food but they can also be added to salads or used as an ingredient in recipes for other edible items such as cannabutter. Canna butter is the solid form of cannabis-infused cooking oil that can be used in a variety of dishes and baked goods. Vape oils have continued to grow in popularity since many people want to avoid lighting up and blowing smoke. Vapes are tiny and lightweight, making them convenient to carry around. Vapes can sometimes fit in your pocket, allowing you to smoke on the go. Keep in mind how often you use your vape since some smokers want a strong high from continual usage, while others want only a little buzz after just one or two puffs.

In addition to being a key ingredient in many recipes, olive oil and other cooking oils can also be used topically on the skin. Applying these oils to the skin can help with irritations, tissue relief, and muscle pain. You can even make your own lotions and balms using these oils as they are beneficial for the skin. Tinctures, a type of oil droplet placed under the tongue that does not need to be consumed with sweets, meals, or anything else you may not want at the same time, are becoming increasingly popular. If you’re not a smoker, tinctures are less likely to irritate your mouth or throat.


They’re a wonderful addition to the pot life because of their many applications and simplicity of production at home. Oils, from meals to on-the-go quick hits, have been a fantastic approach to adding tastes and scents to your marijuana in order to provide you with a new perspective on your high.

There are many health and wellness benefits to using cannabis oils, which makes them appealing to a new set of users who may not enjoy smoking. With the added convenience of being able to have everything delivered to your doorstep, there’s no better time than now to try different forms of cannabis. For those on a tight schedule, the oil-soaking technique is an excellent choice. You have complete control over the potency of your own oils. Sometimes this requires adding a certain amount of weed for each cup of oil, but other times it means being exact with the amount of THC and CBD you want. The oil-soaking approach is a popular choice for making canna oils because it is quick and simple. To allow the extraction of cannabinoids into the oils, simply soak your bud in any existing carrier oil. To produce an effective CBD tincture, you must use a fat-based oil because the majority of active cannabinoids are hydrophobic, or unwilling to combine with water. If you attempted to make oils using water, they would eventually separate. Because of their health advantages and enhanced versatility, coconut oil and olive oil are the most popular. The burning point of the liquid is increased by a high smoking point.

420VL Team

Author Since:  July 2, 2022

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